SKAND IT services Limited is a digital transformation consultancy and software development company that provides cutting edge engineering solutions, helping companies and enterprise clients untangle complex issues that always emerge during their digital evolution journey. Helping them capitalise on technology. To become a leading company by empowering our employees and resourcing them within various industries in and around the UK.

Resolute focus to increase your digital ability

SKAND IT Services Limited is a digital transformation consultancy and software development company that provides cutting-edge engineering solutions, helping companies and enterprise clients untangle complex issues that always emerge during their digital evolution journey. Helping them capitalise on technology. To become a leading company by empowering our employees and resourcing them within various industries in and around the UK.

Driven to provide an exemplary service week in, week out, our industry recognized training has built some of the UK's best IT recruiters, nurturing them from apprentices into directors. With clear routes to progression and promotion, an incomparable CSR program, amazing commission structure and an exceptional incentive scheme, we know we're only as good as our team. Being a company aimed at providing comprehensive IT business solutions through new technologies with trust and collaborative teamwork to deliver the IT solutions for your business.

Our Technology


API Management

To be a significant player in a trillion-dollar platform economy, enterprises need to externalise their APIs. APIs and API business strategy are core to an organisation’s ability to rapidly create new business models

DevOps Services

DevOps solutions are at the heart of what we offer at THIS. An adaptive DevOps transformation strategy offers resilience and agility in your implementations. Here’s how you can leverage our DevOps solutions for your core .


A microservice is a small, autonomous, self-contained software component that is loosely coupled and built around a business domain.Component is exposed with standard protocols for easy consumption & Service

Application Integration

Bringing business value through " Integration " to connect and enable your it systems internally and externally. Extending the power of digital access through API's, Microservices, Automation and LEgacy Modernisation.

Integration Automation

The world has embraced automation. From newspapers and media conglomerates rapidly adapting to the current climate through digital means to the medical industry using IA to prescribe treatment plans.

System Integration

Creating system Integration strategies to increase your digital ability. Enabling E-commerce and Digital MArketplace accelerate by DigitalMarket - an industry-recognised SaaS solution


The world has embraced automation. From newspapers and media conglomerates rapidly adapting to the current climate through digital means to the medical industry using IA to prescribe treatment plans, intelligent automation has helped most industries achieve resilience against market disruptions. If you are looking for integrated customer experiences, smoother onboarding processes, more accuracy and personalisation in the information rendered to your customers, let’s look at the automation options available to accelerate your business.

Schedule a chat today – for Integration Strategies, API Management Solutions and Digital Ecosystems

We pride ourselves on our ability to source high-quality professionals in the IT sector, including:

What makes us special is the team around us. We're all industry professionals, each of us driven to delivering the best possible experience.

Driven to provide an exemplary service week in, week out, our industry recognised training has built some of the UK's best IT recruiters, nurturing them from apprentices into directors. With clear routes to progression and promotion, an incomparable CSR programme, amazing commission structure and exceptional incentive scheme, we know we're only as good as our team

Our Best







It's all we focus on, and it's what we're best at.

What makes us special is the team around us. We're all industry professionals, each of us driven to delivering the best possible experience. We invest in our own talent every single day, enabling us to build on a team of highly knowledgeable and strongly motivated recruiters. Driven to provide an exemplary service week in, week out, our industry recognized training has built some of the UK's best IT recruiters, nurturing them from apprentices into directors. With clear routes to progression and promotion, an incomparable CSR program, an amazing commission structure, and an exceptional incentive scheme, we know we're only as good as our team.

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