Skilled Worker visa

In SKAND we provide sponsorship for Tier2 general visa to Skilled workers outside from UK.

A Skilled Worker visa allows you to come to or stay in the UK to do an eligible job with an approved employer: To qualify for a Skilled Worker visa, you must:
  • work for a UK employer that has been approved by the Home Office
  • have a ‘certificate of sponsorship’ from your employer with information about the role you have been offered in the UK
  • do a job that is on the list of eligible occupations
  • be paid a minimum salary – how much depends on the type of work you do

You need to be employed by a licensed sponsor to apply to live in the UK. Your sponsor checks that you can do the job they’re hiring you for and if it qualifies you for a visa. They will assign you a certificate of sponsorship to prove this.

What you can and cannot do

With a Skilled Worker visa, you can:
  • work in an eligible job
  •  study
  •  bring your partner and children with you as your ‘dependants’, if they’re eligible
  •  take on additional work in certain circumstances
  •  do voluntary work
  •  travel abroad and return to the UK
  • apply to settle permanently in the UK (also known as ‘indefinite leave to remain’) if you have lived in the UK for 5 years and meet the other eligibility requirements

Your job
You must meet all the following requirements to be eligible for a Skilled Worker visa:
  • your job is eligible for this visa
  •  you will be working for a UK employer that has been approved by the Home Office
  •  you will be paid at least the minimum salary for the type of work you will be doing

With a Skilled Worker visa, You cannot:
  •  apply for most benefits (public funds), or the State Pension
  •  change jobs or employer unless you apply to update your visa

Taking on additional work
You can do additional paid work on this visa if you are still doing the job you are being sponsored for. You can also do unpaid voluntary work. You can work up to 20 hours a week in a job that is either:
  •  in the same occupation code and at the same level as your main job
  • in a shortage occupation

Our team can conduct the eligibility assessment on your case and offer the best advice to prepare and submit the visa application with end-to-end support. As we are authorized to legally represent your application, we can offer our professional and dedicated services to ensure the success of your visa application.

You must be in the UK to extend your visa.

Your family members (‘dependants’) can come with you when you come to the UK on this visa. Your family members must have a visa if they’re from outside the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland.

You can take a second job on this visa if you’re working up to 20 hours a week in either:

• The same profession as your main job and at the same level
• A profession on the shortage occupation list

You can also do unpaid voluntary work.

Otherwise, you’ll need to apply for a new visa. You’ll need to be sponsored by your second employer and get a new certificate of sponsorship. Our team can conduct the eligibility assessment on your case and offer the best advice to prepare and submit the visa application with end to end support. As we are authorized to legally represent your application, we can offer our professional and dedicated services to ensure the success of your visa application.

You can apply for a Tier 2 (General) visa if:

You’ve been offered a skilled job in the UK you’re from outside the European Economic Area and Switzerland

You need to be employed by a licensed sponsor to apply to live in the UK. Your sponsor checks that you can do the job they’re hiring you for and if it qualifies you for a visa. They’ll assign you a certificate of sponsorship to prove this. They must also give you other information you need when you apply, for example how much you’ll be paid. You can apply for a visa up to 3 months before the day you’re due to start work in the UK. This date is listed on your certificate of sponsorship. You can come to the UK with a Tier 2 (General) visa for a maximum of 5 years and 14 days, or the time given on your certificate of sponsorship plus 1 month, whichever is shorter.
You can apply to extend this visa for up to another 5 years, as long as your total stay is not more than 6 years.

You can do:

• Work for your sponsor in the job described in your certificate of sponsorship
• Do a second job in certain circumstances
• Do voluntary work • study as long as it doesn’t interfere with the job you’re sponsored for
• Travel abroad and return to the UK
• Bring family members with you

You can’t do:

• Own more than 10% of your sponsor’s shares (unless you earn more than £159,600 a year)
• Get public funds
• Apply for a second job until you’ve started working for your sponsor

You must have current permission to enter or stay on a Tier 2 (General) visa.

You must also meet the following conditions:
• You have the same job as when you were issued your previous permission to enter or stay in the UK
• You’re still working for the employer who assigned your certificate of sponsorship
• You’re still earning an ‘appropriate salary’ - read the guidance if you’re not sure

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